The Khupe led party, MDC-T has issued a statement highlighting their concern over the relaxed approach of the government towards a debilitating economic crisis that has taken the nation by storm.

Government must engage all stakeholders: MDC-T

MDC-T acknowledges that the economic crisis in Zimbabwe must be handled in an urgent manner which the new government is lacking. The party’s spokesperson, Linda Tsungirirayi Masarira noted in a statement that the situation needs a holistic approach. ” There is an urgent need for them to start having dialogues with all stakeholders in politics, business, civic society, and the church to come up with a holistic approach to rescue Zimbabwe from the economic quagmire currently bedeviling the nation.” Read the statement.

Common sense has it that the bond note is not equal to US dollar

In addition, the opposition highlighted that it is common sense that the surrogate Bond notes and US dollar are not at par. They also mentioned on the shortage of basic commodities, inconsistent price hikes and that many households failed to enjoy the Christmas holiday as they could not travel because of fuel shortages. They also alluded to the continuous rise of poverty which is affecting both the rural and the urban population.

Industrial action from civil servants was inevitable

The MDC-T statement also pointed out that the labor unrest due to doctors’ and teachers’ industrial action due to socio-economic conditions was inevitable. “Contrary to the majority’s expectations that the ‘Zimbabwe is open for business’ meant further starvation by workers and deteriorating labor conditions.”  Read MDC-T’s statement.  To add on, MDC-T is also in full support of the call by civil servants to be paid in USDs. They also understand that all the workers are asking for is the safest measure of income which is the US dollar. “ The problem is the valueless Bond which workers cannot equitably exchange for their sweat and everybody knows that.” Acknowledges MDC-T.

Government must take responsibility for the deaths of patients during industrial action

MDC-T also challenges the government to take full responsibility for the continued deaths of patients during the doctors’ industrial action.  They alluded that the government would have found a solution of keeping doctors at work which also applies to the irrecoverable time lost in the educational sector. To add on, the opposition thinks the government should have handled the strikes in a more urgent and serious manner.

MDC-T has also put forward possible solutions towards controlling the public sector wage bill. They alluded that reducing wage bills should not be done hurriedly as it might threaten the performance of workers. MDC-T suggests that wage bills should be dealt with through progressive reduction, wage ceiling for ministries and review of allowances.

Do not privatize parastatals instead restructure: Government told

In addition, MDC-T  is of view that parastatals should not be privatized but restructured. They alluded that these have been captured by the ruling class elites who are benefiting from it. “We do believe privatization is the solution but responsible management and punishing corrupt managers and removing non-performing boards.” Read the statement. MDC-T also thinks that the economy must be formalized, the government must facilitate job creation, reduce poverty, boost production, increase exports and stop introducing punitive taxes. It added that the government must stop borrowing money for huge projects instead support local businesses especially those run by women and the youths to promote household income.

MDC-T is urging the government to create a labor-friendly environment. They added that no serious business approaches countries with hostile labor practices.  The president has been encouraged to put his house in order first and appreciate patriotic Zimbabwe who has chosen to remain in the country before seeking foreign relations. “Business should be opened to Zimbabweans first is the government is concerned about the people of Zimbabwe.” Read the statement.