News Day interviewed Dr Mwonzora from Mdc Alliance, MP of Norton Constituency Temba Mliswa, former MP of Harare West Jessie Majome and MISA Director Thabani Moyo. The interview sought to reflect on the election-related issues that have impacted Zimbabwe.
The secretary general of Mdc Alliance , Dr Mwonzora highlighted on the grievances faced by his party. Mwonzora stated that before the election was conducted Mdc Alliance had already picked out a number of issues that ZEC refused to address. He added that they have challenged the presidential election terms of section 93 of the constitution. Mwonzora also pointed out that ZEC and Mnangagwa have disputed their challenge reflecting on the strengths and weakness of the papers. He mentioned that they are challenging 21 parliamentary seats and that Zanu Pf is also challenging 4 seats thereby showing the parties’ different degrees of court appeals. Mwonzora acknowledged the supremacy of the constitutional court and that its judgement on Wednesday will be final.
Mwonzora highlighted that they are 3 possible decision that the court can make, the first one is to declare Chamisa the president or to nullify the results and declare a fresh election where all the 23 presidential candidates will be allowed to contest. He added that a fresh election is different from a runoff. The last option Mwonzora mentioned is of a censure of ZEC.
Regarding the V/11 and V/23 forms that were produced by ZEC, Mwonzora is satisfied that ZEC made mistakes and that has worked in favor of Mdc Alliance to strengthen their case. Mwonzora urged their supporters to handle this matter in a peaceful manner because challenging an election is catered for in the constitution. He added that they hope that the court’s judgment will be satisfactory to all Zimbabweans.
Is Mdc Alliance ready for a decision that is against their expectation?
Mwonzora admitted that the masses are anxious at the moment and he added that the outcome will be accepted legally but it might be politically acceptable. He also acknowledged that the 9 judges are known for integrity and fairness hence they have faith that they will objective.
Themba Mliswa commended Mdc Alliance for taking a constitutional route. However, he spoke against inciting people and premature announcement of victory. He considered that move as foolish. He further warned politicians to always watch what they say. Mliswa also blamed the opposition for the further imposition of sanctions which then deposits a burden on the ordinary people. He questioned how Chamisa will undo things he has advocated for such sanctions if he is declared the president.
Mliswa pointed out that all candidates are mandated to submits lists of their agents to ZEC. He went on to state presidential candidates never take that exercise. Mliswa made the counting of votes seem easy and collective since it calls for all representatives will be present. He also questioned why Mdc Alliance announced their victory without specifying the exact figure they had a win with. He also questioned why Mdc Alliance did not ask for a recount. Mliswa applauds Konjana for disputing the results peacefully and urged that the leadership should have taken notes.
Jessie Majome shared the sentiments of Zimbabweans resorting to peaceful means of solving disputes. She also highlighted that women are still looked down upon when they choose to approach the courts to get justice. Majome hopes that on judgement day Mdc Alliance will not be vilified by any party. She also pointed out that she is fascinated by the V/11 drama which Malema has also mentioned about. Majome admitted that she has not seen the papers. She also thanked God for ZEC for putting figures together which made the process easier. She also hopes for a fair judgement by the courts. Majome highlighted that ZEC’s admission of mistakes on the numbers is disturbing and that it raises questions on credibility. She admits ZEC’s failure to adhere to the constitution which it sang about during the election period.
Thabani Moyo received praises for keeping the fourth estate firm in their work. Moyo highlighted that MISA appealed to the courts for the court proceeding to broadcast for the benefit of Zimbabwean who are equal players. Moyo highlighted that they wrote to the Chief Justice to ask permission to cover the courts and that he wrote back saying ZBC has been given exclusive rights. He added that they wrote again saying they had submitted an urgent application and they deserved to be heard. Moyo praised the police for not intimidating journalists. He also pointed out that journalists had to attend conferences In the presence of party supporters and their leaders. This situation led Herald journalists running for dear life at Herald House although Mdc Alliance had more pronounced attacks.
Moyo stated that the media only reflect on mere conversations and what happens is not really what they manufacture. He added that it is still not safe to operate as a journalist in Zimbabwe as so many violations.
Mliswa and Majome pointed out that Zimbabwe has regressed in terms of women representation in the parliament. Mliswa also spoke of patronage in the parliament and that Zimbabwe is tired of the same old faces in the parliament.
Mwonzora highlighted Mdc Alliance will continue to condemn violence when they get power. He admitted that the Alliance youths attacked Khupe and that they have dealt with the ones responsible. Mliswa, however, questioned if Mdc Alliance leadership understand what it means to condemn violence.
After disagreeing on a number of issues they later agreed that whatever decision made by the courts must bring Zimbabwe together. Moyo also highlighted that whoever gets power must respect the media and allow them to report objectively.